Qualcomm is known for their Snapdragon mobile SoC . 3 of their executives left and started up their own wireless technology company called XCOM . XCOM?! Really? Are you really going to name your company XCOM? You really just named your company XCOM. After a very well-known and successful video game series? Did you even research if there are, you know, existing franchises with the same name? For those who are unaware, XCOM is an existing video game franchise. It is a series of a squad-based tactical turn-based strategy games. You take control of the XCOM soldiers to battle against the invading aliens. It has great combat, permadeath and even some soldier customization. In short, this is not some little unknown side project from an indie developer. Jake Solomon's tweet These 3 executives will face a lot of legal problems if they do not choose to change their start-up's name. XCOM's designer even pointed out that the @XCOM Twitter handle is already tak...